Directory Lister 'What's new' file
Current version: 0.6
(C) 2002 Copyright by Leszek Skorczynski


+ New
* Changed
! Bug fixed

Version 0.6 - 15th September 2002

+ English is no longer the only one interface-language
+ Load dirs selection button
+ Links to directories
+ HTML output is much more customizable
+ Extension can be hidden
+ File version can be listed
+ Files can be numbered
+ Last selection can be saved and loaded automatically at startup
* Listing process was put into a separate thread so you can easily press 'Cancel' button at any time
* When you click on a checkbox, other controls will be enabled / disabled accordingly
* Directories can be also sorted now
! When you check 'Listing for each dir' and list cd contents, error message box will not pop up
! File count after directory name works now properly (even if no file is displayed underneath)
! Size for files 2GB+ was wrongly counted
! Window is now properly restored after saving in maximize state
! Directory size was wrongly counted

Version 0.5.2 - 24 January 2002

! Ugly bug with full file path

Version 0.5.1 - 21 January 2002

+ Multiple mask, accepting wildcards and sets
+ You can exclude either drive name or parent dir from the path
! Directories are now sorted when 'Sort items' box is checked
! Filter was not read from the configuration file
! Dir size for top dir was not properly counted when mask was not *.*
! Open/Save dialogs do not remember last opened/saved filename now
! F12 did not switch between 'Select directories'/'Preview'

Version 0.5 - 13 January 2002

+ INI file with configuration (read upon start and saved on exit)
+ Window position and state saved to ini file
+ Exclude drive name from directory path
+ CRC32 - the same as in zip archives
+ File count after directory name
+ Listing for each processed directory in separate file
+ Sorting files all together (not only within one directory)
+ 'Cancel' button to stop generation immediately
* The way of selecting directories has been dramatically changed
* Header is only one line now instead of two lines
* Much improved progress bar
* Pages reorganized for more user-friendly interface
! Window contents were displayed incorectly with 'Large fonts' setting
! Sizes were saved but not read from the configuration file

Version 0.4 - 20 August 2001

+ Generate HTML option and HTML preview
+ HTML colors box
+ Descending sort order option
+ Sort by option
+ Size display option
+ Size precision option
+ Command line parameters
+ Hot keys (F5, F12)
+ Save/Load configuration buttons
+ Save directory selection button
* New tab and reorganisation of controls
* Thousand separator in size
! First directory not expanded when sort option enabled

Version 0.3 - 3 May 2001

+ Include dir names option
+ Include dir size option
+ Include full path option
+ Ability to sort items
+ Mask option
* Preview moved to another page
* Preview shows real content not always "c:\" dir
* True folder icons are read
* Progress bar works during preview and saving
* New checkboxes
! Save dialog bug
! Hidden directory bug

Version 0.2 - 11 November 2000

+ Added very nice little preview.

Version 0.1 - November 2000

* First release.